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Understanding the moose rut

  Damon Clarke   Jun 13, 2016   Uncategorized   Comments Off on Understanding the moose rut

Calling a Moose


During the rutting season moose are found in different areas than during other parts of the season. Typically, the peak of the rutting season for moose is the first two weeks of October. This is only an average, though. The further north in the hemisphere you travel, the earlier in the season the rut happens and the opposite is true for going south. There are always exceptions to the rule but for the most part early October will be the peak. There will always be some cow moose that will start ovulating early and if a bull moose hears the yearning calls of a cow in estrus, he will investigate and may even vocalize his approach.


Before the bull moose go into rut they are usually found in higher elevation areas. They will seek out cooler and thicker areas of the forest, higher in elevation, in trying to escape insects and predators. Cow moose and calves will, on the other hand, stay in the lowlands near water. The cows seek out water for two main reasons: food and safety. Calves are vulnerable, especially to predators such as bears. A cow with calf will use the water as an escape when threatened by predators.


When the rut begins and likely for a few weeks before the beginning of the cow moose estrus, the bulls will move down out of the higher elevations to seek out the cows. The bulls will stay in the lower and wetter areas within proximity of the cows with the hope of getting the breeding done. As the rut winds down, the bull will once again move back to the higher elevations.


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Source: Moose Hunting Tips: The Ultimate Guide to Moose Hunting.

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